Jacob Henschen
Main research area: Application of New Materials and Technologies
Dr. Jacob Henschen is a teaching assistant professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. His primary areas of research include both technical and pedagogical research in the fields of concrete materials and structural engineering. Pedagogical research includes the use of virtual reality for improving spatial visualization in structural analysis, incorporation of entrepreneurial mindset learning in laboratory course, and enhancement of student outcomes through curriculum-based, near-peer mentoring. Technical research includes the use of recycled materials in concrete and the development of cementitious mixtures for use in 3D printing applications. Jacob serves as the past-chair of the Committee on Faculty Development at ASCE and is a mentor in the ExCEEd teaching workshop. He also serves as the chair for the Research and Current Developments committee, the co-chair for Teaching Methods and Materials committee, and vice-chair for the Concrete Research Council at ACI.