Hubo Cai
Main research area: Construction Methodologies and Management
Secondary research area: Condition Monitoring and Remote Sensing
Hubo Cai’s research focus is on innovations in computing, sensing, and engineering informatics in construction engineering and management. He has over 20 years of academic and industrial experience in construction research and technology implementation at transportation agencies. His research work is funded by FHWA, state transportation agencies, and NSF. His recent work on risk-based construction inspection results in digital inspection systems and risk-based inspection programs adopted by INDOT and SCDOT to improve the quality of construction, minimize the risk to state DOTs, and develop workforces. His work was recognized by TRB’s K.B. Wood Award (2019) (in the field of design and construction of transportation facilities), and AASHTO RAC 2020 Sweet Sixteen High Value Research Projects. Dr. Cai has developed a smart and safe excavation system to eliminate utility strikes and struck-by accidents on infrastructure construction jobsites. The resulting system is currently under technology transfer and commercialization.