Jeffrey Youngblood

Professor of Materials Engineering, Affiliate Member
Purdue University

Main research area: Application of New Materials and Technologies


Professor Jeffrey P. Youngblood received degrees in Chemistry and Physics at Louisiana State University and a Ph.D. at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst in the Department of Polymer Science and Engineering under the direction of Professor Thomas McCarthy. After postdoctoral work at Cornell’s Materials Science and Engineering Department under direction of Professor Christopher Ober, in 2003 Professor Youngblood accepted a position in the School of Materials Engineering at Purdue University as the first polymer person in the department.  There, he investigates nanotechnology, surface science, and advanced processing.  Recently, he has been specifically interested in ceramic processing using polymeric methods, additive manufacturing, sustainable materials, infrastructure materials and cellulose nanocomposites.  Specifically here, he has been researching Additive Manufacturing of cementitious materials for the past decade.


Jeffrey Youngblood
Jeffrey Youngblood